What are YOU Becoming !? Pt 9

Your current identity exists because of the disciplines you’ve been engaged in, and pending any changes, will keep engaging in, in the future. Take an example of someone whose identity isn’t one of a fit person. No matter the effort he puts into becoming fit, he won’t be able to sustain it, because his identity doesn’t match that of a fit person. You need to keep shifting your identity, with your NEW results, skills, emotional state or character. Let’s examine another example. Happy people, aren’t in that state, because of what happens to them or for them, but because of who they’re becoming. They’re happy because of the promises they keep to themselves and others. So, whatever they experience doesn’t change their emotional state. The same goes for peaceful people; they’re peaceful because of what they’ve come to understand about life. UNDERSTANDING brings REST.

Ways To Shift Your Identity

Your disciplines are the EVIDENCE for your current state in life. The same goes for success. See post, Being Resourceful Pt 8-9. If you want to keep shifting your identity, you need to keep improving and sustaining your disciplines.

Next, your association. Who you actively share your life with, plays a major role, on the quality of your life. You need to keep attentively observing the life of those you aspire to be, if you want your identity to improve.

Finally, you need to keep changing your controlling story/belief system. This is perhaps, the most important of the three discussed so far, and the main reason, why people get stuck in life. Your story is like the sign post and capacity of your life; everything starts, and stops there. In order to go further in life, and experience more success, you need to keep changing your story. For more on your controlling story, see post, Being Resourceful Pt 8.


In shifting your identity, you also have to let go of what’s no longer needed. Don’t allow an old character, story, emotional state, discipline or association, hold you back, whether they be good or bad. And remember, you have different identities prevalent in your life; one in your faith, relationship, career, health, finances; in every area of your life that matters. You have to keep shifting all of them at the same time, if you don’t want your life to implode.


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