Building A Thriving Business (What's at the VERY CORE) Pt 19

The homo-sapien is the longest surviving salient species from the Paleolithic era. How? Because we were forced to form bonds to survive. We had to trust each other to inform us of danger when we fell asleep or that the hunters and gatherers would bring back enough food for the rest of the tribe, while the care-givers took care of the homestead. There was cooperation. Everyone knew their roles and what they had to do, to keep the tribe functioning. This survival instinct still exists today, but it’s only exhibited by a small fraction. If we aren’t vigilant, our lack of trust could affect our very existence.

Our Biology

Why is the majority denying their biology? Because it’s uncomfortable. It’s uncomfortable to be the ALPHA. The alpha is the leader. In some spaces they could be the strongest/most resilient, the smartest, the most courageous or even the most talented. They’re the ones that get the perks, favours  and honours, because we expect them to sacrifice themselves for the tribe, when danger comes. Here I’m not talking about giving up your life, but rather, your TIME and ENERGY; or even some of the perks given to you. There’s so much social injustice in the world, and our so called leaders are responsible. They refuse to lead, but still want to enjoy the perks of leadership. Leadership is not a rank, it’s a lifestyle. That’s why the tribe is angry, because those who we have accepted as alphas are endangering everyone.

The Feel Good Chemical

The truth is that biology makes us feel good about ourselves when we lead. The chemical called oxytocin is released everytime we show generousity and treat others well. And the more we genuinely care for those around us, the easier it gets. Leadership gets easier, the moment you start to lead. The question is, are you ready to start leading? Are you ready to fulfill your social contract as the alpha? The moment the circle of trust extends to the outermost parts of our tribe, the HAPPIER people will become, because they will feel safe to be vulnerable.

The Job Of A Leader

As leaders it’s our responsibility to make our tribe safe, so that they can become confident and excel in their roles.


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