What are YOU Becoming !? Pt 8

The discussion in this post is the culmination of weeks of discussing about what constitutes an attractive character, emotional state, and beneficial belief system. Just like success, which is dynamic (see post, What are YOU Becoming!? Pt 7), your character, your emotional state and belief system are dynamic as well. You can transform from being unreliable, fearful, doubtful, dishonest, lazy, sad, lethargic, to becoming trustworthy, courageous, honest, happy, passionate, confident, determined and fully persuaded. These are what make up part of your personality, the real you; your IDENTITY.


In the post, Being Resourceful Pt 8, my colleague, talked about the transformative effect of a NEW controlling story/belief system that leaves an impression on you. And, he revealed that the transformation begins in the mind, by meditating on the words that make up the story. He further said, that by backing the story with EVIDENCE, it causes the transformation to coalesce in the soul (your IDENTITY).

The Final Piece Of The Puzzle

If the transformation begins in the mind, it means that, your mind, is a part of who you are. Because what you allow to pass through your mind, eventually makes its way to your soul, if it’s not ushered out. As, the holy text says, as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he. So, replace thoughts/images you don’t want, with ones that would produce the kind of person, you want to BECOME.

The Lesson

Now, you must be wondering, what’s this leading up to? It’s to serve as a reminder that, if any part of your make up, is not taken care of, your life or experience in life, WILL be upended. And, if YOU refuse to SHIFT your identity, your level of success, will NOT change.

Stay Tuned

In the next post, I will share with you practical ways on how to keep shifting your IDENTITY.


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