In my last post, I shared about how to develop passion. Now
I’ll be answering another plaguing question,
How To Be Happy? Happiness is not
a permanent fixture, because it’s an emotion; it’s energy in motion. You need
to be doing something in order to elicit it. And just like a muscle, you need
to keep exercising it to maintain or grow it. So, your question might be, what
are the routines needed to elicit happiness on a continuous basis?
How To Be Happy Always
The answer is in the disciplines you engage in. Happiness is
experienced by doing the things needed on the path to success. For more on success, check our series, Being Resourceful Pt 3 - 5. If you’re not
planning to be successful, then you’re planning to be unhappy the rest of your
life. But remember, success is relative; to someone else it could be, being a successful homemaker, parent, leader, writer, artist, or business owner. NOTE, don’t confuse happiness with satisfaction. Satisfaction is corruptible (gives you a false sense of security), and could lead to being conceited. Satisfaction comes from achieving a goal, but it’s nothing compared to happiness. You can be pursuing a goal for the wrong reasons, but you can't be on the path to success with the wrong motives. How? Because, success is dynamic; you need to keep working on it, in order to sustain and improve upon it. If you're faking success, you'll be exposed eventually.
The Prerequisite for Happiness
Now, what are the
things that need to be done? The little things!! It’s not difficult to ALWAYS
remain happy. Are you waking up, when you said you would wake up? Are you
taking a stroll, when you said you would? Are you smiling more? Are you being more grateful? Are you being
more cautious? Are you keeping the promises you make to yourself and others?
HAPPY people, are CONFIDENT people. The promises highlighted are unique to me, but they'll be different for you and anyone else.
Become Happier
The mystery and beauty of happiness is that you can be as happy
as you want to be, by engaging in disciplines that elicit higher levels of happiness.
But start from where you are; your disciplines will expand organically as long
as you remain faithful to them.
Till Next Time
Thanks for your time. Feel free to comment, and leave
suggestions, and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.
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