Being Resourceful Pt 8

I have shared with you multiple disciplines necessary for success, such as growth, goal achievements, and being attentive to what matters in your life. But there is one which is crucial, and essential to increase your level of success, and that's your controlling story/belief system. The story you have playing in your subconscious will determine whether you remain stagnant, succeed or fail at trying to succeed. So many limiting stories are developed during the formative years of a child, and it carries on till adulthood; stories like, you're not good enough, only a few make it, you're nothing, you don't deserve it....To change your life, you need to change your controlling story.

Our Subconscious Rules Us

95% of our decisions are controlled by our subconscious, according to research findings. That means our controlling story is responsible for the quality of our life. It affects our relationships, our career route and our lifestyle. Most people are the way they are; trying to get a better job, trying to pay the next bill, trying to change houses, trying to save money on gas, because of their controlling story. They're just making a living, instead of designing a life. They're not making effective use of their resources, because their controlling story is telling them that, that's all they can get out of life.

The Fork In The Road

However, there comes that moment, when most people get fed up with life. Some, sadly to say, end it, while others seek to change it. The ones seeking change, will have to start by changing their controlling story. One of the proven ways is through affirmations. But, most people think, it means voicing out a more empowering narrative; it's more than that. It's being in a meditative state; allowing the words or imagery to leave an impression, such that they go beyond your mind into your soul, where it can transform you. A story, doesn't just contain words or imagery; we feel emotions (energy to enliven you or produce death) from it, based on the interpretation we give to it, through our consciousness/mind (RAS). Now, the only way, for your new story to leave an impression, is if you have evidence to convince your subconscious that it's real. That evidence comes from engaging in other successful disciplines. None of the disciplines for success, work in isolation. Check Pt 3 - 5 of this series for other disciplines necessary for success. In whatever form, being meditative is to you, that's where you're meant to be, for most of the day.

Forms Of Meditation

Some script out their new story in a journal, or record it, and play it back to themselves on a loop. Others, envision themselves living in their new story, in such a way that they feel the emotions directing it. And, you have the traditionalists that affirm/mutter or shout it out. Bottom line is that, you need to keep brooding/mulling over that new story, UNTIL you begin to EXPERIENCE it.

Don't Settle

To increase your level of success, you need to get a more empowering story. That's what will sustain and keep growing your results.


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