Being Resourceful Pt 7

Every living creature strives to reach its maximum potential, except human beings - Jim Rohn. Trees grow as tall as they possibly can, produce as many fruits as they possibly can; giraffes grow as tall as they possibly can, birds fly as high as they possibly can. You won't see a lion who is an herbivore, or venomous creatures who don't use their venom to survive. Every living creature has been programmed to innately be what they are today, including human beings. But, why do MOST humans vie off their path? Why are there only a few peak performers? Because we're the only living creatures that have the ability to choose.

The Reason For Emptiness

Now, most people choose the wrong path in life, because they've been shown a wrong example. Some are born into it, and others grow up in it. They are constantly shown the wrong movie all their life, so they keep living in it; and because it's not their movie, they don't have any role in it. That's why they feel insignificant, purposeless and empty. They end up attaching themselves to anything or anyone that can fill them/make them whole.

Life Is Better With The Right Lens

There are a few, who catch a glimpse of the right movie, but it gets corrupted by the pressures and distractions of life. Hence, they only go so far; they achieve only a tiny fraction of their potential. The ones who get a better view of the right movie, have a chance to be great, because they see what greatness looks like, but having the wrong mentors derail them. Fortunately, some of them are blessed with the right mentors, who veer them down the right path, showing them the disciplines it takes to be great. And the more they engage in those disciplines, the more their OWN movie begins to take form/shape. Once your movie set begins to take form/shape, and you SUSTAIN the disciplines that got you there, there is no stopping you; your life takes on MOMENTUM. See Pt 3 - 5 of this series, for how to build life momentum through successful disciplines.

Keep Fueling The Flame

During this period, having the right environment is crucial, as it can fuel the drive or quench it. These includes the right relationship, friends, lifestyle and belief system. Our goal in life, should be to keep striving to be the ultimate version of ourselves..


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