What are YOU Becoming !? Pt 4

You might be courageous enough to take up a task. You might even have enough integrity to follow through on it, even at your own detriment. But, if you are applying the right strategythe difference between attaining your goal, and falling short of it is a couple of hours, sometimes even seconds.

Don't Be Naive

Don't allow someone who is ill-informed to convince you that it's ok to feel indifferent or comfortable about falling short of your goal; IT'S NOT! If you stick with that attitude, you won't learn anything from the experience, and you'll be liable to make the same mistake again in the future.

Take A Stand

What are you becoming!? Are you someone who is comfortable with always falling short; don't you know, you are destroying your self-esteem and eroding your confidence, the longer you stick with that attitude!? ALWAYS, keep the promises you make to yourself and others.

A Higher Purpose

Let your goals be your mile markers, and TODAY,  focus on enjoying, consistently, persistently without fail, the pursuit of your potential - David Meltzer.


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