Being Resourceful Pt 5

I'm back this week to conclude the series on success. For the past 2 weeks, I've alluded to goals as being part of success, but stating that goal getting on its own is not success, because you can get to your goal and be worse off for pursuing it, though it's an achievement . What makes a goal worthwhile is who you become pursuing it. Will you be happy/satisfied with the person you BECOME!? Because success is a pleasure.

How To Set A Goal

Now, when setting your goal, make it as significant, specific, audacious, compelling and exciting as possible. You want something audacious enough, so that you keep growing your life in order to surpass it; specific enough, so that you know the disciplines that need to be in place to achieve it; significant enough, so that it feels like you're contributing to society, purposefully doing what you were meant to do; exciting enough, so that it puts a smile on your face, every time you think about accomplishing it; and compelling enough, to pull you out of bed in the morning and through life's challenges. Finally, what are your reasons? Your reasons are your WHY's! Why am I going after this dream? Having strong enough reasons, whether negative or positive will push you towards your goal.

What Is Behind Success?

The central theme in success is ENERGY. When you take that first step with your goal in view, it builds MOMENTUM, when sustained over a period. And if you are obsessed with growth, you keep building on your momentum, which leaves you remaining dissatisfied even after the initial goal has been attained. Because, momentum is a dream catcher - Ed Mylett. Let's not forget the supporting role our reasons play in this scenario.

See you next week...


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