What are YOU Becoming !?

Oh, there is so much desperation in Nigeria; so much perceived poverty, but WAIT! Does that mean we should treat ourselves like animals, with no regard or care, even to the point of killing one another!? There is NEVER a justification for that.

The Truth

Now most Nigerians may be desperate, but NONE is poor. This blog is all about being resourceful - using what you have to get what you want. And everybody is resourceful, in one way or another. Today I will be shedding light on one resource in Nigeria, that if FULLY utilised, will yield immense returns.

Diamond In The Rough

TRUST!! How if Nigerians knew that trust has value, and such value can become profitable for them. But people are so blinded by immediate returns, that they are missing out on IMMENSE returns. In whatever you do, if there is no trust between you and whomever you are reaching out to or in contact with, It won't be sustained. Trust is the one resource people cherish, and if they can find a trustworthy soul, Oh, how great the life and fortune of that soul, only if he/she realises the gem they possess. But sadly, most people are concerned with the returns in life and are missing out on something greater; they don't know that it's not what you have, but what you become in the process that's more important - Jim Rohn.

Be Steadfast

Trust like any other thing of value, may not be apparent at first, but when worked on, it will eventually become undeniable. It takes a HAPPY, CONSISTENT, PERSISTENT pursuit of your returns in life to build trust. People won't just take you at your word on first meet, you need to build trust with them; and it takes time and patience.


My question to you today is, WHAT ARE YOU BECOMING !?


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