Building A Thriving Business (What's at the VERY CORE) Pt 2

Last, we talked about clearly defining roles for every team member, and the 20-80 rule. So this week, let's digg deeper into the rule.

What Really Matters

Some might think this is just talk, but don't be deceived, success is not by accident, it's planned. To build a thriving business you need to plan for it. Now, the 20% effort every team/business leader should be focusing on is not based on allocated activities; that will never yield 80% of the desired result. What I mean is that, they shouldn't be focused on taking 20% of the work; in fact that's even worse, because the team will see it as not pulling your weight. Rather the 20% effort is ensuring that every team member has BOUGHT INTO THE VISION.

The Power Of One Voice

When there is unison in a team, it is equivalent to an immense amount of energy that can break down a boulder. Unity in vision is what really matters. That's what ensures your team members remain vigilant and accountable even when you aren't around. It spurs innovation to carry out their task UNTIL they see it through; sometimes driven by ideas better than yours.

Tighten Ranks

As a leader, this frees extra time to focus on any other loose ends you might want to tie up.


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