Being Resourceful Pt 3

Carrying on from last week, when I revealed the power of experiences, I alluded to the definition of success, by saying that we need to hold onto what is necessary from our PAST and focus on what's important NOW, to have any chance of an enviable FUTURE. Because everything affects everything else - Jim Rohn.

Everything Is Useful

There's nothing in life which is not useful, no matter how insignificant or appalling it is. When it relates to us as human beings, we need to give the needed attention to every area of our lives, because everything counts in the BIG PICTURE. And that picture can be one of lasting success or failure, true happiness or regret; it all depends on YOU.

What Is Success

Success is not one big unexpected event, it's a compounding effect of small and expanding disciplines. For someone who is fit and healthy, it all started from their unwillingness to neglect taking that first bite of a vegetable, which led to them wanting to take that first step outside the apartment, which led to having a journal/app to track their eating and exercise habits, and the list goes on. Failure to neglect the small disciplines and sustaining it, is the key to success - Jim Rohn.

How To Maintain Success

But to have LASTING success, you need to ensure that every area of your life is given the needed attention. It means that, failure to attend to your relationships, will affect your attention to your job/business. Or it could be that, failure to attend to your health, affects your lifestyle, which in turn affects your relationships, eventually affecting your attention to your job/business. I'm sure there are many more dots to connect; it's endless.

Stay Tuned

Remember, everything affects everything else. I will be back next week to continue the discussion on success, because it's NOT over. Chao!!


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