Being Resourceful Pt 2

If it wasn't obvious in the last post, being resourceful is the key to getting anything in life. But this week, I want to focus on another underlying truth people neglect; one which their lives consist of, and that is, experiences, and the treasures they hold.

What Does Life Consist Of?

Life is the combination of experiences. To live a full life, you need to fill it up with experiences. How many you may ask? As many as you possibly can. What kind? Ones that have learning opportunities. NOTE, don't confuse gratification for a learning experience; gratification is temporal, and if not checked could hold you back, but what you learn can live on forever. Just as there is benefit in experiencing new things, there is also loss, if you stop experiencing new things; you might as well be dead. We all know death is inevitable, but with a healthy obsession for growth, you have a good chance of keeping it at bay.

More Than Meets The Eye

Now, what is there in our experiences to glean; only their lessons? No! much more! Life is not just the combination of experiences, but their intensity and their frequency - Bill Bailey. It's only an experience that stays with you, that you can use. Whether it be negative or positive, allow your experiences to touch you; don't let it change you, but let it touch you. If life was all about the danger of holding onto things, then there won't be much to live, would there? But what I'm saying is that allow the EMOTIONS of your experiences to touch you, SO THAT YOU CAN BE WELL EQUIPPED TO HANDLE LIFE'S CHALLENGES; YOURS AND THAT OF OTHERS.

An Introduction To Success

Because there is nothing new under the sun. There is a famous quote from the holy text that says, '.....for time and chance overtake them all....'. If you don't hold onto what is necessary from your PAST, you will be hurt by a similar experience NOW. If you don't focus on what is important NOW, you will regret it in the FUTURE.

Till we meet again.....chao!


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