Building A Thriving Business (What's at the VERY CORE) Pt 17

Africa is the next growth region . Like China was in the early 2000’s, Africa is primed for the next economic boom. With a 1.2B consumer market, of which about half are under the age of 19; Africa’s working population will surpass that of China in 6000 days. So, as a big firm, you should be looking to take your place and increase your footprint in the major cities of Africa, starting from those which are growing nicely, such as Addis Ababa, Nairobi to vulnerable growers like Lagos and Luanda. And the transition will be smoother than China, as the region is an eager adopter of digital and mobile technology. With over 120m users of mobile financial services, and 636m smartphone connections by 2022, entrepreneurs have an opportunity to leverage the rising mobile data traffic to address untapped markets and unmet needs. Africa's Next Baobab To become the next big firm, Africa’s next baobab; you as an entrepreneur need to think long term, while solving the short term needs of yo...